Travelling For Sports: How To Keep Everyone Happy

If you love sports, you might want to go on a dedicated sports holiday, something that your whole family might not enjoy. Here is how to keep everyone happy when you are travelling for sports…

As time goes on, you might find that you or another family member develop a passion for a particular sport. That’s perfectly normal, and it’s even said to be good for us – it keeps our minds stimulated and, if we actually take part in the sport as well as watch it, it can be good for our fitness levels too. You might even find that you need to travel for the sport you love. Following a team to another country to watch them play or entering tournaments yourself around the world is exciting, fun, and you might even be able to celebrate with a win. 

However, if you do choose to travel for your sport, whatever that may be, then you need to think about the people who go with you. If you’re travelling with family members who aren’t as passionate as you are about the sport, then you’ll need to work out how to keep everyone happy so you can all enjoy yourselves. Read on for some useful tips. 

sporting holiday

Choose The Right Hotel 

If you’re travelling alone and you don’t mind what kind of hotel you stay in, then picking one that’s close to the action of your tournament or match makes sense – you can get there much more quickly and save money on taxis or buses or a hire car. However, if you’re with other people, this may not be the best option when it comes to choosing a hotel

The best thing you can do when you want to keep everyone happy is to think about the hotel first. Make sure it has everything everyone will need from a swimming pool to activities and more. Even if it’s slightly further away from where you want to be, keeping everyone happy should be your first priority. 

Have Everything With You 

The last thing anyone is going to want to do is traipse around shops looking for parts for a broken piece of equipment, or searching out the newest replica uniform for you to wear when you watch your favourite team. This is boring for them, and they’ll start to regret coming with you. In fact, it might even be boring for you. 

To prevent this from happening, make sure you have everything with you before you travel. If that means spending a little more before you head off, it’s a good trade-off. Whatever you need, from Spitfire wheels for your skateboard to the best golf clubs to a t-shirt with exactly the right slogan on it, get it first, pack it safely, and enjoy it when you get there. 

Make Time For Fun 

We know, when you’re travelling for sports you’re already having fun, or planning to at least. However, your family might not feel the same way, which is why it’s vital to ensure you make some time for other kinds of fun. Although your partner might be perfectly capable of taking care of the kids by themselves, for example, they’ll likely want you around too, at least for some of the time you’re away. If you don’t make an effort in this regard, you really may as well have gone on separate holidays. 


When you make time for fun you can create some wonderful memories and the sport is something that will enhance a family holiday rather than get in the way of it. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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