Lighting Ideas For Your Home

Get some inspiration with these lighting ideas for your home…

When you enter someone’s house nothing tells you more about the host’s character and vibe than the lights. Every designer will tell you that the light in the interior is important. You probably had a situation in somebody’s house where everything felt just good and you don’t know why. Big chances are that good lighting caused that feeling.

For achieving a great atmosphere and specific vibe you should do a small research to get the perfect Lighting Solutions. Don’t forget that every room in the house has certain rules you should respect in order to achieve great results.

Every room has a different approach. You definitely can’t have the same type of lighting in a dining room and bathroom.

A good vibe with lightning is not easy to achieve so it would be great to pay attention to the type of the room. Still, there are a few simple rules you need to follow.

Consider the room measurements and purpose

There’s a general rule that rooms such as kitchens or study rooms need 300-400 lux per square meter. On the other hand, bedrooms are cosier with dimmed lights.

If you’re lighting the bathroom, you’ll definitely need stronger light, but don’t forget about mirrors in the bathroom, they will reflect the light and give you additional illumination. You can find multi-level, automated solutions for your bathroom. Traditional, on-off switches are outdated and not applicable in modern bathrooms.  

While we’re talking about measurements, don’t forget the ceiling height. Some bulbs have adjustable cables, but many of them are installed on rods and you need to measure them properly. Generally, the lowest bulb should be installed around 50 centimeters from the ceiling.

lighting ideas for your home

Adjust the type of light to your space

You need to adjust bulbs to your space. The most preferable option is LED lighting, but it’s not mandatory. In most cases, LED lights have white illumination which may be unsuitable for some rooms, such as the living room and bedroom. On the other hand, they are the perfect option for bathrooms, kitchens, and working spaces.

Make a plan

Try to determine what type of lighting you want before the final phase of house renovation or a new build. Consider the number of lighting fixtures in each room to avoid making new construction works just for lights.

When planning, don’t forget about furniture positioning. It’s important to have a light centred above the dining table or a kitchen. Also, when you illuminate the working space, install more than one bulb, from different angles. That’s the way to avoid the shadow effects. 

lighting ideas for your home

Hire a professional 

If you’re struggling with illumination and you’re out of ideas, maybe the best option for you is to hire a professional. Many architects specialized in interior design and illumination.

A professional designer may see your space from a different perspective and give you lifesaving advice. If you’re already decided to invest in your living space, spare a little bit more and pay the architect to find a perfect solution for you. It may even not be a large investment. There are cheap tips and tricks that you’re not aware of, you just need to find someone to show you the way to make your space have the specific vibe and atmosphere you want.

Don’t forget about windows

Windows are giving life to every space. They are the main source of natural light and it’s extremely important to plan your lighting according to them.

Large windows are producing more natural light and you’ll need less illumination. The same goes for skylights and roof windows. Try to create an environment as natural as possible.

If a room doesn’t have enough natural light you can easily compensate it with lamps and other types of lighting fixtures. One great trick is to put mirrors near light sources. You can also try to illuminate walls and ceiling that way you’ll infuse every corner of the room making it feel cosy yet spacious and open.

lighting ideas for your home


Light is the heart and soul of your space and proper enlightenment will make you feel comfortable. Searching for the perfect components can be exhausting, but eventually, it pays off. It will make you feel at home. So, don’t rush and find the perfect solution for yourself.

What lighting ideas for your home would you consider? Are there any you would like to share with our reader? Let us know in the comment box below…

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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