Travel Tips that will Help you if you’re Planning a Vacation to the UK

From visas to accents and tube etiquette, if you want to make your trip everything that you’ve dreamt of and more, then this is the guide for you.

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Check your Visa and Passport

Citizens who come from more English-speaking countries generally do not need to have a visa when they travel to the UK. If you are travelling from another country then it’s helpful to look into this if possible. As a general rule, you have to make sure that you have around 6 months left on your passport and you also need to make sure that it is valid for the duration of your stay. This can vary depending on your country of residence, so you need to keep this in mind if at all possible.

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The currency in the UK would be the pound sterling. If you’re going on a trip, then it’s a good idea for you to have some cash in hand when you arrive. That being said, there are many ATMs throughout the UK, so as long as your bank knows that you plan on going there, you shouldn’t have a problem. Unlike the US, you don’t need to tip in the UK. It’s completely discretionary and although you may tip in a restaurant, you don’t need to worry about it as much.

Know your Transport

If you are travelling to London, then there’s a high chance that public transportation is going to be your best friend. At the end of the day, the capital is often very busy, and it’s also got very narrow streets. This can be a nightmare for you to navigate. On top of this, you have congestion charges. This will add up if you choose to drive around, so you will really want to take public transport if you can. London has a sprawling network of buses, tubes and trains, so it’s very easy for you to get just about anywhere with ease.

Be Savvy

It’s very helpful for you to be savvy about tube etiquette. In London, you should know that the underground is a very historic institution. It opened up in the year 1863 and this alone made it one of the oldest railway networks around. Today it has over 270 stations, so a trip on the tube is certainly worth taking. If you want to follow the right rules in regards to etiquette then you should be standing on the right, or walking on the left of the escalator. This is one of the many iconic British things that you’ll notice when visiting the country.

Know your Healthcare

If you are somewhat unlucky and you need to see a doctor when you are in the UK, then you have nothing to worry about. The healthcare system in the UK is known as the NHS and you can see a doctor whenever you need. You need to take out travel insurance either way though, as this is the best way for you to make sure that you’re being fully protected.

Don’t Just Focus on Sightseeing

Another thing that you need to do is make sure that you don’t just focus on sightseeing in its entirety. You have to make sure that you open your mind to some of the other things that there are to do as well. It may be that you go on a hike to the countryside or that you simply stop for brunch in a local pub. Either way, it’s important to know that beyond London, the UK has some really stunning sights and that it is more than possible for you to have the best time ever if you simply expand your horizons. Of course, if you want to make sure that you make the most out of your vacation then it is a good idea for you to try and find somewhere local to stay. It may be that you stay in a bed & breakfast or that you look up an AirBNB. The main reason why you need to do this is because it will help you to stay close to all of the attraction and scenery, and it will also help you to have a much more authentic British experience.

Of course, travelling to the UK can be daunting if you have never done it before. If you follow this guide though, you will soon see that you can have the best time without having to worry about a thing. You can also make your money stretch further too, which is a bonus if you’re on a budget.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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