Make-Up Trends Explained: Graphic Liner

One of the newest make-up trends to emerge this year is that of the graphic eyeliner look. The trend is incredibly bold and has roots in the bold looks of the sixties and eighties. However, this trend feels entirely new. It is artsy and fun, and eye-catching. Moreover, it doesn’t have to be that difficult to achieve either. So let’s get into it.  

Graphic Liner

The Basics

A graphic liner look does require a few simple steps to make it work. Firstly, choosing the right eyeliner is a must. A liquid eyeliner works the best, preferably a pen. Stila has a great pen liner, and it’s waterproof, which means it won’t move or smudge throughout the day too.

You also need a concealer to hand to clean up any mistakes that you make. Finally, before you can begin, you do need to prep the base properly. If you have an eyeshadow primer, then you can use that. If not, then your concealer can double as an eyeshadow primer in a pinch.

One last thing to mention, depending on which form of graphic liner you opt for, you have to put some thought into the rest of your make-up look too. For example, some graphic liners lend themselves well to a bold lip, whereas for others, it would be too overwhelming, and a more subtle pout would be better.

Looks to Try

The only limitation to your graphic liner potential is your own imagination. However, getting started can be difficult. There are many looks that are more beginner-friendly that might offer you a better place to start. Firstly, there is the bold cut crease. Use your eyeliner as normal and use it to draw a line across your crease. You can leave this line to stand alone, or you can connect it to your wing.

You could keep your eyeliner style the same but change its colour. Spray some setting spray onto a small brush, and you can transform any eyeshadow into a liquid eyeliner. Colourful eyeliner styles are a popular subsection of the graphic liner trend. Choose colours that will compliment your outfit or your jewellery for the day to make your overall look more cohesive.

Use your eye shape to work out which styles will look the best on you. There are a lot of infographics and pictorials online, which can help. For example, if you have deeper set eyes or hooded eyelids, you will need to make some adjustments to make sure that your graphic liner efforts are noticeable. A batwing style eyeliner may work better for that eye shape. Realistically, the best thing that you can do is to experiment, play around and see what works for you and what doesn’t.

The Bottom Line

The graphic liner trend shows no signs of slowing down. It is the perfect amalgamation of make-up and artistry. You can show off your personality and your skills. It is also pretty accessible; thanks to concealer and damp cotton buds, you can clean up your edges and correct any mistakes. So give it a go; you might be surprised at your skills.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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