6 Tips for Travelling With an Older Dog

Dogs have been considered as a man’s best friend. They serve as among the best companions among all domesticated animals for human beings.

Keeping a dog helps people cope with things such as depression and loneliness. They also give people a purpose especially when taking care of them.

This, however, is not easy especially when the dog grows old. Old dogs are prone to different illnesses and health complications.

Some of the most popular problems with old digs include loss of hearing and eyesight, joint issues, arthritis, dementia, incontinence, gastrointestinal problems, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and insomnia among others.

That notwithstanding, you need to take care of your old dog at all times and understand the things to consider when travelling with them. No matter their age, you need to ensure that they are safe and comfortable when travelling with you. 

When it comes to older dogs, travelling needs planning and preparation. You need to keep an eye on some things such as;

Making Sure the Dog is Calm

Many dogs often get sick when travelling, whether by road, train, or flight. This leads to anxiety especially in old dogs, something that does not build a good association for the dog. It also makes travelling difficult for them.

Luckily, you can use supplements to ensure that the dog is calm when travelling. The use of CBD oils makes a lot of difference in improving the comfort levels of dogs. The oils help in muscle recovery, stiffness, and the improvement of bone and joint health.

CBD oils also play a major role in helping dogs of all ages reduce pain and inflammation, seizures, improve skin conditions, and treat arthritis. You can check this guide to CBD oil for dogs with arthritis by Veterinarians for more information on this topic.

Plan Ahead

The first step to travelling with an older dog is making sure that you have contacted reputable veterinarians such as Veterinarians.org to address any health complications or disabilities that the dog might have.

For instance, you need to make sure that you understand all the medical needs of the dog, especially when you are flying since it might be kept in the cargo hold. The medical needs should be attached to the dog’s carrier.

Those that are driving with their dog can use cell phone alerts to remind themselves about any procedures or medications that the dog might need while travelling.

You should make sure that you can administer any drugs on your own. If you cannot, ensure that you know veterinarians available on your route for help.

Start With Short Trips

Some dogs do not travel regularly. If your old dog is one of them, you should start with short trips to make sure that the dog gets used to the trips. These might include trips to your friends, pet stores, or even the park.

These short trips serve as reminders every time you are getting the dog ready to travel. With every single short trip, ensure that they get longer one after the other. This way, your dog will find it easy when going on a long trip.

Organise Yourself

Just like travelling with children, travelling with dogs is challenging. This is because you are responsible for them throughout the journey and are supposed to make decisions on their behalf.

Due to this, you need to organise yourself. One of the most important things is making sure that you carry everything that you need for the dog. You can make a checklist with all items that are needed.

Do not even plan to get some of these things along the way. When leaving, make sure that you have everything. Since an old dog is prone to different health complications, ensure that you understand the route and everything that the dog might be allergic to. 

Carry Familiar Items

Travelling to new locations means that your old dog is going to unfamiliar territories. This is one of the things that contribute to stress in dogs. You should, therefore, try as much as you can to carry some items that your dog is familiar with.

For instance, if your dog likes playing with a certain toy most of the time, or sleeps on a certain orthopaedic bed, then make sure that you have carried these items. Such items play a crucial role in making the dog feel safe when travelling.

Separate Packages for Medications

Just like dogs, some dog owners are usually under different sets of medications for different reasons. This means as they are packing medications for their senior dogs, they also do the same for themselves.

Some people might argue that they cannot confuse their dog’s medication with theirs. However, travelling can sometimes be complicated and things might happen, forcing one to confuse things.

Therefore, when travelling with your old dog, you need to ensure that you have packed its medications separately from yours if you are using any. 


Finally, you do not need to skip appointments with your veterinarian even when you are travelling with your dog. This means that before you start your journey with your dog, you should have attended all the set appointments.

If not so, then ensure that you have already made contact with veterinarians along your way and at your destination. This is important in keeping your dog healthy at all times.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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