Renovating Your First Home – Three Vital Tips for a DIY Approach

Despite landmark disruption in the housing market over the last year or so, the number of first-time buyers has doubled – meaning twice as many couples, young families and budding entrepreneurs received the keys to their new future. Of course, not every home comes pre-decorated to perfection. If you’ve recently bought a home for the first time, you may well be about to reach for your tools and paintbrush; before you do, read the following tips!

Start With a Plan

For some, the allure of taking a DIY approach to home renovation lies in the freedom to choose what to work on and when, depending on budget and other requirements. However, this can breed a dangerous approach wherein projects spiral out of control, costs balloon and you are left with a home that is more building site than living space.

As such, any renovation project should start with a plan – no matter how small, no matter how big. Not only can planning ahead help you stay on the right side of your overall budget, but it can also give you some key insights into timescales. This can ensure that most of your home remains free and unimpeded by work, allowing you to enjoy living in it even as you decorate.

Take Inspiration from Far and Wide

Being your first proper home in your name, you are well within your rights to let loose, and put your own stamp on its overall décor. But decorating is a creative process, and creative block can be a thing even for home renovation. As such, you should endeavour to take inspiration from as far and wide as you can, before you make any final decisions in relation to materials and paints.

One useful way to do this is to take a leaf from your house-hunting book. For example, as a new homeowner I might look for new builds near me in order to take inspiration from their modern style – and to crib some key ideas to align my home with the internal and external instincts of other homes. Of course, older, lived-in homes can give you some unique inspiration from the instincts of the homeowners themselves.

Start With the Small Stuff

If this is your first home, it may well be your first brush with DIY. Carrying out your own repairs and renovations is noble work, introducing you to skills that are easy to pick up and can benefit you well for years to come. But naturally, some jobs are much more difficult than others – and some are best left to professionals entirely.

With this in mind, ramp yourself up to the bigger tasks by starting with smaller, more actionable things. You may not have the capacity or means to re-tile your roof, but renovating and re-shelving your pantry or supply cupboard can be a great introduction to bigger tasks like building stud walls or re-plastering rooms.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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