5 Tips When Taking Driving Lessons

Learning to drive? Learning to drive is an exciting time in your life and there is no feeling like passing your test but learning to drive can also be stressful and daunting. There are a few tips that should help you to master driving before long so that you can pass your test and enjoy your newfound independence.

driving lessons
Photo by JESHOOTS.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-inside-vehicle-13861/

1. Find a Suitable Instructor

Perhaps the most important tip is to find an instructor that you feel comfortable with. It is important that you find someone that you feel comfortable with otherwise you will feel tense, stressed and anxious at all times. You should ask friends and family for recommendations and compare reviews online. It is perfectly fine to change instructors, so do not worry if you feel that it is not working out with someone that you have chosen.

2. Revisit the Highway Code

A lot of stress from learning to drive is from not knowing the rules and etiquette of the road. Revisiting the Highway Code is useful because it will help you to adjust to life on the roads and should help to reduce your stress levels. You will want to know all of the test roads and markings, especially in the area that you will be driving.

3. Understand Your Learning

Another reason that people struggle when learning to drive is that they do not properly understand driving. This is why it is helpful to learn exactly how cars work as well as ask questions if you have any. It will always feel overwhelming and strange at first, but as you progress you will find that you will learn more about driving and start to feel more confident behind the wheel.

4. Pay Attention to Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes when learning to drive, but to progress, you need to make sure that you learn from these mistakes. You do not want to develop bad habits when you learn to drive, so mistakes need to be reflected on so that you can improve moving forward.

5. Practice in Your Family Car

Ultimately, learning to drive is about putting in the hours behind the wheel. This is why it is so helpful to practice driving in the family car with a parent, sibling or a friend. You will need to be supervised by someone that is 21+ and has had their license for at least 3 years. In addition to this, you also need to make sure that you have learner driver insurance in place before getting behind the wheel.

Hopefully, these tips will come in handy and help you to pass your test before long. Learning to drive can be a stressful and daunting experience, but these tips should make it easier and hopefully help you to develop your abilities and confidence behind the wheel.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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