How To Take Care Of Your Wellbeing When Travelling

Travelling can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Keep this in mind before you pack your bags and set off for adventure. Travelling can be stressful, tiring and challenging, but it’s also exciting and rewarding. If you want to get the most out of your travels, take care of yourself first.

A little planning will go a long way when it comes to making sure that you stay healthy while away from home. Taking a health test before you leave or planning activities ahead of time to keep your mental health in check will both help you stay well whilst abroad.

So, here are some tips that will help keep you feeling good when travelling.

wellbeing when travelling
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi:

Physical Health

First of all, stay aware of your body. Travelling can be hard on the body, so it’s important to pay attention to how you’re feeling. If you feel fatigued or sick, try not to ignore these symptoms. Don’t overdo it. It’s tempting to push yourself when you’re travelling, but if you don’t pace yourself and give your body time to adjust, these feelings might get worse instead of better.

Don’t forget vitamins! If your normal vitamin routine doesn’t include a multivitamin with iron in particular (which helps prevent anaemia), consider adding one into your daily routine before travelling – especially if the trip will involve physically demanding activities like hiking or biking around town all day long.

Get enough sleep every night so you’ll have energy throughout the day – and remember, naps are always okay, too, especially when you’re on holiday. Although there may be lots of tempting treats, and you should definitely try them, make sure to eat well while on holiday; try out new restaurants/cuisines that aren’t part of daily life at home.

Travel Insurance

Make sure you have adequate travel medical insurance for your trip in case anything happens while overseas that requires medical treatment back home. It could be hospitalisation or repatriation expenses incurred due to injury from an accident during your holiday abroad – e.g., broken bones, concussion, or even if you fall ill with any other condition.

Most airlines will reimburse for lost baggage up to a certain amount, but that may not be enough if your luggage is worth more than the cap on their policy. Travel insurance can also cover additional costs of replacing essential items like clothes, toiletries and prescription medication if they are lost or damaged while travelling. This can give you extra peace of mind so you can relax and enjoy your holiday.

Emotional Health

Travelling can be stressful and emotional. You may feel homesick or lonely, or maybe you feel disconnected from everything that’s happening around you. Perhaps you’re even feeling anxious about the trip itself. This can cause emotional distress and make it harder for you to relax and enjoy your trip, so make sure you take time to manage your stress levels.

You don’t always have time for yourself when you’re travelling, so make sure that you take some time to relax after arriving at your destination. Take a walk in nature, go swimming or just sit down somewhere quiet and listen to music. Do whatever makes you feel good. It’s good to talk about how you’re feeling with your friends or family back home too – they’ll understand how much you miss them.

Make sure that you spend some quality time with friends or family members when visiting them abroad. It’s also important not to forget about family back home as well; take some time off from travelling and call them up or send them an email every now and then. Check up on how things are going back home, so they don’t feel like they’ve been forgotten about.

Prepare for travel by researching potential sites beforehand, so you know what to expect when you arrive. This will reduce any anxiety about being away from home or other familiar surroundings.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading about all these tips to stay healthy on your travels. By following these tips, the trip should feel less exhausting and more rewarding. All these little things make a big difference in how you feel when you return to work or home after being away from your routine for several days.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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