The summer has arrived with a bang and although the dry conditions are proving challenging, it is lovely to get in the garden and either do a little work or read a book while sipping something cool. Your garden with a little thought could be the favourite part of your house and the part where you spend the most time.
So with this in mind, here are a few ideas to make your garden come alive.

Decking is relatively easy to lay and requires little to no wet work mixing cement and sand. With the right garden decking, you can stain a wide variety of colours and are not limited to brown or black. This can complement the colours in your garden or be used as a platform to underpin your garden design.
When choosing decking, it is a good idea to build it to last. So go with good quality wood, stains, and paints. The more hardwearing the better.
Depending on your tastes, you probably have an idea of what you want in your garden. You may want to consider choosing plants and flowers that require little care if you have a busy life, or, if you have more free time, choose plants that require more care.
You may just want the plants for how they look so choose ones that make you happy.
Remember, patience is key to a beautiful garden design, so buy plants slowly and gradually. In a few years, you’ll love and be very proud of your garden.
You may or may not love using features in your garden. This can include things such as water features and raised areas, pergolas, and garden ornaments, the list is truly endless. Some clever use of features can really bring a garden alive, and you can zone off your garden with a well placed and thought out feature.
Zoning Your Garden
You may want to consider creating a garden design using zones. This is something to consider if you have young children. You may want to create a play area and keep it separate from the rest of the garden. And you may want to do the same with a dining area.
If you grow vegetables you may want to create a zone to keep out animals and other disruptive influences.
You can use well chosen plants to make the zones, features as outlined above, or fencing. It all depends on your design.
Feel Good
Whatever you do to bring your garden alive it should make you feel good. Growing plants is highly rewarding and your garden should be your sanctuary and your happy place. Don’t rush the design and implementation process, and because a flower may struggle to grow one year, it may thrive the next.
Gardening is a healthy hobby and it gets you outside. As more and more of our lives seem to be spent inside with work, television, and devices, having that blast of the outdoors in your garden becomes increasingly important.