Discover our top caravan holiday essentials

If you’d like to enjoy the wealth of natural beauty that the British Isles have to offer, then there are a few better ways than with the help of a caravan. To get the most out of your caravan holiday, however, you’ll need to make sure that you’re adequately prepared, and that you’ve packed all of the appropriate essentials. Let’s take a look at what those essentials are!

Caravan Holiday Essentials

In the Kitchen

Your caravan holiday won’t be much fun if you don’t have the right food, and a means of preparing it. But the sort of things you’ll stock a caravan kitchen with is slightly different from the things you’d stock your home kitchen with. You can get Inverter Generators NZ as an example.

Plastic crockery

If you take ceramic plates and cups with you, then you’re asking for them to get broken at some point. The caravan environment tends to be a little more chaotic than the home one, and you often end up resting your plate on a surface that’s less than ideal.

Kitchen roll

You can never really have too much kitchen roll. It’s non-perishable and you’ll get through miles of it. Make sure that you’ve always got a healthy stock available.


If you’re going to be holidaying in the great outdoors, then it makes sense that you also cook in the great outdoors. Do this with either a disposable barbeque or a portable one. In the latter case, you’ll want a healthy supply of charcoal or gas.

Emergency snacks

Having a healthy supply of non-perishable snacks to hand will help you to make sure you’re never caught out, and that there’s always something available when you’re feeling peckish.

Bathroom Essentials

Part of what makes a caravan preferable to a tent is the fact that you get showering facilities built-in. Make sure that you stock up with all of the shampoos, conditioners, soaps and scrubbing brushes you need, as well as toothbrushes and pastes.


You’ll need a supply of electricity, and that often means a portable fuel-powered generator. You don’t have to keep it running all of the time, but it’ll come in very handy when you want to run the microwave, television, or radio.

Camping chairs

You don’t want to have to sit on the cold, hard ground if you can help it. A supply of foldable camping chairs, and a table around which to distribute them, will make life much more enjoyable in the evenings. Ideally, you should have a few spare, in case you need to entertain the friends you’ve made during the day.


While game consoles might go against the spirit of the camping trip, they can be great for entertaining children, small and large. Pick out a few favourite board games, and a book or two, too.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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