Tips To Help you Feel More Confident In Yourself

Everyone’s probably been there at some point in their life. They think their looks aren’t cutting it, they feel like they’re really ugly, and they lose confidence in themselves because of their appearance. This is actually somewhat normal; most people aren’t that happy with their looks and they always feel like they could do something to improve their appearance.

But the reality is that thinking this way can have some really negative effects on your life. It takes a toll on your mental health, and a lack of confidence will really show in your everyday activities. So we’ve put together some tips to help you overcome those ugly thoughts that invade your mind every day.

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If there’s something you can change, work on changing it

There are many times where the things that you don’t like about your appearance can be changed if you put enough time into it. Do you think you’re a little overweight? Work on cutting calories and work out a bit more. Think your hair is a mess? Muster up the courage to see a stylist. Even things that you think you can’t change, such as your teeth, can be fixed over time. You can get invisible aligners to straighten your teeth, or you can get whitening treatments. There are lots of ways for people to improve themselves and it’s important not to get complacent or lazy if you really want to improve your appearance.

Media beauty is a completely different thing to real beauty

So many people compare themselves to Instagram stars and models because they’re the type of people that we see every day. However, the average person probably isn’t going to look like that without a serious amount of makeup or image retouching. Those images are made to be aesthetically pleasing and beautiful–they’re not a representation of the person in real life! We can’t change society’s views on beauty, but we can stop comparing ourselves to the superficial ideals that are portrayed in the media.

Everyone has a moment of weakness

Almost everyone will feel some sort of negativity in their life, and there are many times where this will relate back to our appearance. Maybe you feel out of place when going out with your friends, or perhaps you feel down when comparing yourself now to photographs you took a few years ago. If you feel like your mood is affecting how you see yourself, then it’s important to practice some self care and focus on your mental health.

So whether it’s crooked teeth or a few extra pounds you could do without, everyone has things that they don’t like about themselves. But whether you acknowledge those issues and deal with them or simply embrace them, it’s important to understand that your appearance doesn’t define everything about you. Inner beauty is a lot more important as it changes your attitude and the way you interact with people, and this can feel much more fulfilling than anything related to your appearance.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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