Tips For Keeping Your Car Interior Clean


When you have a car, it’s important to keep it clean. This isn’t only vital for the overall aesthetics of your vehicle, but also so it’s much more pleasant to drive. You don’t want to get into a car that’s dirty, doesn’t smell fresh and is filled with rubbish. All too often we think about the exterior when it comes to a clean car and the inside gets forgotten and just builds up. If you are looking to sort this out and keep the interior of your car clean and fresh, we have some top tips that are sure to help you out. Here are some top tips on how to keep the interior of your car clean. 

Give it a wipe and general clean regularly 

Photo by Mike Bird from Pexels: 

One of the first things you need to do when it comes to having a clean car, is to sort it out regularly. If you don’t, the small bits of dust and dirt can build up and provide you with a mammoth job when you do get around to it. Keep some surface wipes in your glovebox and give it a wipe round every other day to keep it fresh. You should try and hoover it once a week or every other week depending on how often you use the car and the time of year. In winter the wet weather might mean it gets more dirty!

Give it a deep clean once a month

As well as general upkeep on your vehicle, you should give it a deep clean once a month. This is where you will shampoo the mats, really scrub out all the areas and give your seats a proper clean. By doing this it’s easier to then keep on top of the cleanliness and will feel so much nicer once it’s done! You can find more tips about cleanliness in the car interior at if you want some additional inspiration!

Organise storage for your car

Car storage is so important because, let’s face it, you end up leaving a lot of items in there over time. There are many handy solutions you can find online such as hanging pockets and mini boxes to slip under the seats. Use these to put things in such as spare shoes, an umbrella, your water bottle and anything else that might otherwise be left to roll about on the floor.

Pick a good air freshener

Car perfume image from

When it comes to keeping your car clean, having the right air freshener is vital for making it smell and feel fresh. You can find a range of air fresheners on the market designed to imbue your vehicle with your favourite scent.

These are just a few top tips that should help you when it comes to keeping your car clean. If you regularly keep up to date on the maintenance it will be a lot more pleasant and won’t have a chance to build up. What are some top tips you have for keeping your car clean and tidy? Let us know in the comments below.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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