Suddenly Hosting For The Festive Break? A Household Preparation Guide

There’s nothing like the sharp pang of realizing that oh yes, you have to host other people after all. You don’t have to be the most high-maintenance person in the world to feel a little tense if you haven’t prepared for other people to come and visit you. Most of us prefer to tidy up and care for our homes before we entertain people, especially at such a magical time of the year.

Worse yet, what if it’s your in-laws, or perhaps you’re meeting your partner’s parents for the first time? All of this, even at a time when we love family and remain appreciative to see them, can cause us a little stress.

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Never fear; in this soothing homecare guide, we hope to help you cope with sudden hosting. Here we can also offer some investments and tasks to keep up with ahead of time, so you don’t wonder what you missed before welcoming your family members. Most of all, remember that your space doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s nice of you to host in the first place.

With that in mind, let’s consider:

Refresh Bedding & Linens

If your guests are staying at the house, it can be worthwhile to make sure all the bedding and linens are washed and ready to go. This might take a fair amount of time, so doing this among other chores, like meal prep on a Sunday, can be ideal. 

You can also purchase in additional linens if needed, and give them a quick wash. This means that if there are any problems, you have spares.

A Quick Exterior Clean

It can be good to tidy up your exterior environment to make sure all your belongings are contained and secured, while also implementing any cleaning measures you need. Having your windows cleaned, and using pressure washing services helps you top up your home, helping it look fresher, cleaner, and more up-to-date than it might be otherwise.

If you’ve had a busy summer, it may be that some of the debris and dust coating is left over on your windows, or grime lines your garden path. With a few investments, your home can look fantastic all winter long.

Bring Out Your Air Filter

If you have an air filter or purifier you mostly use for summer, now can be a great time to bring it out again. When you have many people being hosted in your home, you may find that the space becomes a little stuffy even with the window open. 

That said, you may keep your windows closed to help protect against those biting breezes. For this reason, a HEPA filter can keep the space breathable and comfortable, even with twice as many usual guests around the table. You can also set hours of operation to help cut down on your energy usage or replace the filters to make sure it operate as effectively as possible.

Pet-Friendly Preparations

Depending on how comfortable your guests are with pets, you may wish to make a few preparations. That might involve purchasing a larger, more comfortable dog bed, snacks and treats or taking them for more walks if they’re to be closed off in another room for a little while as you host. 

Ultimately, it’s important to negotiate with your guests, as you can’t expect to keep your pets in a colder space of the home throughout their entire stay. If they’re bringing pets of their own, you might gently introduce them to one another so they can get used to the scent. You can also use the aforementioned toys to keep them occupied at the right time.

Allergy Preparations

It’s important to ask about allergies or other dietary considerations ahead of time, so you don’t accidentally trigger those sensitivities. Now, if you have a relative with very intensive allergies that must be managed correctly, you might ask them to bring their own foods or to plan out meticulously what they eat in detail so you can avoid any mistakes, and cleaning your worksurfaces can help avoid cross-contamination. 

You can also prepare dietary considerations that may or may not be optional, such as for a relative who has turned to veganism or prefers gluten-free food. Of course, they can always bring their own contributions to the dinner, as being expected to feed your wider family out of pocket is not entirely fair. At the very least, this conversation will help you benefit.

With this advice, you’re certain to plan out a sudden hosting effort over the festive break. We’re sure you’ll have a wonderful, if unexpected, time.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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