How To Reduce Noise In Your Home

Creating a peaceful and noise-free environment at home can be a challenge for any house owner, especially if you have noisy neighbours or are located in a busy area with excessive traffic. It is worth noting that about 40% of people is exposed to noise levels that exceed 55 decibels, which can lead to sleep disturbance, increased blood pressure, and, in severe cases, may even contribute to an increased risk of heart disease. You don’t want this to be your story. This article highlights effective ways to reduce noise in your home. 

  1. Seal windows and doors facing the road 

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Inspect your windows and doors for any gaps by feeling for draughts along the border of the windows. You can use sealant to fix fractures in door frames and window glass. That will also save you money on your heating costs because it will keep your house warmer. Alternatively, you can install new windows if the old ones are not fixable; this way, you can rest assured you are getting value for your money. 

  1. Soundproof using the decor

Insulation is key to noise reduction when building or renovating your home, especially regarding walls, windows, and doors. But if you’re unable to take on a full-fledged insulating installation, consider using weather-stripping as an alternative to assist in reducing noise. Drapes and curtains, for example, can soften the appearance of a space while significantly influencing noise reduction, especially for homes with thin windows. 

  1. Consider investing in quieter appliances  

It is important to remember that household appliances and electronic gadgets can often produce a lot of unpleasant noise, making it difficult to maintain a peaceful home environment. When looking for new appliances, it’s a good idea to prioritise noise reduction. Many manufacturers now offer quieter models, which can get the job done. Additionally, some vacuum cleaners have a silent mode that can be activated by following the manufacturers’ instructions. 

To reduce the noise produced by your washing machine, you should ensure that the feet of the machine are level and that there is no contact between the machine and its sides. You can also place a soft layer between the machine and the floor or wall. A thick rubber matting under the feet of the washing machine will help to absorb the sound and prevent unnecessary noise.

  1. Purchase noise-cancelling headphones  

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Noise-cancelling headphones are essential since they are particularly designed to reduce distracting noises. Although they won’t cancel all noise, a good pair of headsets will help you focus on your audio without being distracted. It’s important to prioritize the safety of your ears when using headphones, as continuous exposure to loud music can cause permanent damage over time. If you’re using Apple devices, you can set headphone notifications to alert you when you exceed the suggested volume levels, which will help you take necessary precautions.

  1. Rearrange your furniture 

Placing bulky furniture against adjacent walls forms a sound-absorbing barrier. Bookcases are ideal because the books give an extra layer of sound insulation, but closets also perform well, especially when full of clothing. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money soundproofing your home, this is an excellent place to start. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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