Saying Yes to Cosmetic Surgery – Why and When It’s Right For You

Have you been considering getting cosmetic surgery? If so, you’re not alone. The problem with this decision is that people worry about what other people will think of them for getting cosmetic surgery. You also have to consider what led you to think about it in the 1st place. It’s something that’s becoming more widespread these days and it’s becoming far more accepted. And we are living in an era where everything is retouched, photoshopped and upgraded. 

While you do not need to be upgraded or retouched, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t say yes to cosmetic surgery. Many people choose to get private cosmetic surgery rather than going through a public system, because then it’s easier to achieve the results that they want. One of the biggest reasons that cosmetic surgery has increased is because it’s more advanced than it ever has been. It requires a lot less downtime and recovery time than it used to, and people are leaning into that. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons that you should be saying yes to cosmetic surgery if it’s something that you want.

cosmetic surgery
Photo by Sora Shimazaki:
  • There are changes that you want to make. The main reason people choose cosmetic surgery in the first place is that they want to make a change with something. If your nose has always felt like it was a little bit too big or too small, or if your breasts have sacked after having children, you may be looking at making a change that feels good to you. Cosmetic surgery can be a great solution when there is something about your body that you really want to change and you can upgrade it because the surgery is possible.
  • You are trying to look younger than you do now. It’s not always easy to see an aging face in the mirror when you brush your teeth in the morning. So if you want to make some changes and you want to look younger than you do right now, then cosmetic surgery makes sense.
  • There is a disfigurement you’d like to correct, whether it’s a birthmark on your face or there is a burn on your arm. Sometimes cosmetic surgery can help to reduce those disfigurements and help you to feel better about your body. Acne scars, cleft lips and even severe scarring can all be helped with cosmetic surgery. Nobody should have to live their life in a body that they don’t feel good about.
  • You want to feel more confident. Loving the skin you’re in is not easy to do when you don’t like what you see in the mirror. Appearances are not everything, but if your appearance is what’s really getting you down and you know that you can fix it and make changes, why wouldn’t you do that? If you don’t feel confident about certain physical features on your body, then why wouldn’t you try and fix it if you could? 
Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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