How to gain the respect of others in a few simple steps

We live in a very competitive historical era, in a time of contrasts in which our every action, our every choice is heavily influenced by the way we relate to other people. On how we interact with the people around us will depend a large part of our success, and it will always be with flesh and blood people that we will have to confront when something goes wrong at some point in our journey. Comparison with our peers, in a society dominated by intense competition for the most prestigious jobs, or to achieve a prestigious social position, is totally inevitable. Just think of the power of networking: a series of activities and attitudes that could lead us, if we play our cards right, to reach a higher rung on the social ladder, perhaps through a more prestigious or more interesting job than the one we have now. And all these small steps, these discreet and silent (but always with a smile) approaches that animate any real networking activity, always take place in relation to other people, since from the communicative exchanges between people, interesting opportunities for growth can always arise for the individual members of the group, who would thus make huge steps forward in their careers.


The importance of networking

Some of the most successful careers have also been built thanks to the fundamental contribution of networking, which has opened up opportunities that would otherwise have remained inaccessible. It is not enough to have exceptional skills or an extremely prestigious educational background to make a career. You also have to know how to put yourself forward with the right people, in the hope that opportunities may arise from this relationship that otherwise would not have been accessible. However, to be able to juggle networking, in all its forms, one has to know how to do it. To do so requires skills and competences that are not taught in any school, or even at university. It is the ability to be liked by the people around us and to gain their respect, which is the basis for any next step. Without respect, consideration from others will remain a chimera, as will possible career advancement.

A few small tips

Respect from others can be achieved by adopting a very specific set of attitudes, which will instantly change the perception others have of you. Has anyone taught you that people respect demonstrations of strength? In the days of homo sapiens, this was probably the case. But in the present day, what counts are the subtler qualities, where the presence of strength can only be sensed if one is capable of profound intellectual effort. One of the possible reasons why people do not respect you, in all probability, is the unique nature of your reactions in times of difficulty. If you are used to reacting with anger, people will consider you a brute, a violent person, but they will not respect you. Human beings are more likely to respect an individual who consciously chooses not to react, proving himself perfectly in control of himself and the situation he finds himself in. In a society characterised by the ever-increasing power of image, even your outward appearance will have a certain bearing on the consideration others will have of you. Therefore, you must always take great care of your clothing, your personal hygiene, so that you always appear to be the best version of yourself. A personality trait that immediately triggers the sympathy and consideration of others is the ability to never take oneself seriously, even going so far as to make fun of oneself with a great sense of humour. Excessively loud people are never respected. Know how to dose your enthusiasm, employ it rarely, only when it is really needed.

To gain the respect of others, one must also have the ability to think outside the box, to try something new. The new frontiers of entertainment are represented by online gambling portals, which offer a wide selection of online casino games and slot machines to suit the tastes of any player. Online real money roulette in India, for example, is also enjoying great success for their ability to involve the user from the beginning to the end of the game, plunging them into a whirlwind of emotions that never seems to end. Each game on the site, moreover, has been selected with great care by a team of extremely qualified experts, who have assessed its safety and punctuality of payments.

People are naturally inclined to have respect for those individuals who act freely, unhindered, preserving that delicacy that makes them unflappable.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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