Make your uni house a home

Moving into university halls of residence can be daunting to say the least – moving into your own university house can be even more challenging.ysnrjpny3g

So you decorated your room last year with all your favourite ornaments, posters and shaped your room into your own haven, but now you have got to sort out a whole house, how will this work? Trying to make your house a home as quickly as possible is tricky and hard especially with a busy schedule.


Here are some simple tips on making your house into your ideal uni home this semester:

  • Storage – Sticking to simple storage enables you to jazz up the room with fancy bedding, fabrics and ornaments. Using black, white and neutral colours ensures that your rooms will coordinate with any colour scheme you are going for. Clothes rails are brilliant for filling out of your room and helping due to lack of storage space for clothing pieces. They can add the colour from your wardrobe and clothing pieces, whilst not being in your face regarding the actual storage.
  • Furniture – The reality of your uni house furniture being nice is far from realistic so jazzing up your furniture is essential. Head down to your local charity shops or thrift stores and get rummaging in the diverse range of fabrics on offer. Let your imagination take control – get patterned pieces to add bursts of colour and personality across the house, or keep it simplistic with one colour pieces.
  • Pin boards – It’s unlikely you’ll be allowed to put nails or pins in your walls so get creative with photos, old concert tickets, or cards you’ve received. The smallest of things can make you feel more at home and it takes near enough no time at all. Lean it against a wall and you’ll feel (and see!) your house becoming a home instantly!
  • Ornaments – ornaments make all the difference in creating a home. From candles, to photo frames, to sentimental little pieces, every little thing can make a difference after a long tiring day. You can pick up these little touches from any shop. Whether its gift shops, or a charity shop. Find pieces that fit all of your housemates personality.

However, despite everything above, simply lighting some candles, listening to some music, with a good old trusty takeaway and great company can make all the difference in feeling at home at university…

Lottie Woodrow
Lottie Woodrow
Hi, I’m Lottie and I’m a Media and English Literature student at the University of Brighton and a writer for Seen in the City. I’m a born and bred country girl, fulfilling my dream of living in the city. I love fashion and exploring the world and different cultures around me (whilst trying to stick to my uni budget as hard as it may be!)


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