How to Convince an Elderly Individual About the Benefits of a Care Home

According to recent governmental findings, there are more than 17,000 care homes for seniors across the United Kingdom. This number is also on the rise due to the fact that the population is living to a much older age than in the past. So, it only stands to reason that someone you love may require this type of assisted living.

When considering a care home, it is important to consider alternative options, such as equipping the home for their needs. If you have the budget, you can bring in high-spec equipment such as The Flow X Curved Stairlift to keep your parents mobile and able to get around their home. You may also need to install a more accessible shower, handles around the home, and more. Make sure you consider if these options are viable first.

The only potential problem is that the concept of supervised care can be challenging to come to grips with. Many believe that their freedoms will be sacrificed and some feel as nursing homes are not able to cater to their needs. This is why it is important to take a look at a few steps which can help to convince someone you love that such options represent the best way forward.

elderly individual care home
Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels

Compare and Contrast

First and foremost, the individual should always be involved with the decision-making process. He or she needs to feel in control of their personal situation. Therefore, take some time to request information from various care facilities. Discuss the pros and cons of each. Ask your loved one which homes seem to be the most appealing. Ask them what features are attractive in order to get a better idea of their preferences.

Take a Tour of the Home in Question

The transition to an assisted care facility may be daunting due to its decidedly unfamiliar nature. The good news is that this change can be eased by taking guided tours of the locations themselves. Most homes offer these tours on a regular basis and they are great ways to obtain a more hands-on perspective of what to expect. This can also provide an opportunity to speak with other residents. Making connections in such a manner will help to ensure that familiar faces await upon arrival at a later date.

Speak with Professional Staff Members

Encourage your loved one to proactively speak with on-site staff members and even the manager of the facility. This represents their opportunity to ask questions and to “feel out” the type of care that they are expecting to receive. You can likewise clarify any concerns that you may have.

Highlight the Perks

Professionals agree that emphasising the positive traits of a care home is always important. We are not only talking about professional care and 24-hour monitoring in this sense. Many facilities offer other amenities including (but not necessarily limited to):

  • Green areas such as parks and outdoor sports facilities.
  • Group activities.
  • Chefs specialising in specific dietary requirements.
  • Regular visiting hours.

The main takeaway point is that accentuating the positive attributes of a nursing home can help to dispel any hesitance that may remain.

For example, the nursing home Somerset here boasts stunning views, a plethora of on-site activities and second-to-none levels of care. Although making the transition into an assisted living situation can be challenging, there are many ways in which fears can be allayed. Feel free to contact us to learn more.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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