Regardless as to whether you’re a post-graduate just about to enter the world of work, or someone, who’s working their way up the employment ladder, job-searching can be challenging. However, employers don’t just look at your academic achievements; they also look at the types of extra-curricular activities and hobbies you engage in outside of the workplace.
Activities and hobbies can boost your employability, make you stand out from other applicants, and create a more memorable impression on employers. You can also find many skill-boosting courses, which can help you get recognised during the job-selection process and look good on your CV, which are crucial factors for securing a job. In this article, we look at some extra-curricular courses and activities that increase your employability, improve the quality of your CV and provide you with the necessary employment skills.

First Aid Courses
One extra-curricular course that’s hugely beneficial in the employment sector is a first aid course. The law requires a first aider to be present within the workplace at all times, and already having the qualifications for this role makes you look extremely attractive to employers, as they won’t have to waste money training you. First aid qualifications are universal and can be transferred to any employment sector, putting you in a position to apply for various job roles and making you stand out from other applicants. You can find more information on the Skills Training Group website, plus a list of other skill-boosting courses that they offer.
Software Courses
Nowadays, most companies use a range of different software platforms, which can cause a multitude of problems for employees and technophobes alike. Most commonly used in the workplace are Microsoft platforms such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., which you’ll probably encounter within your first few days at the business. Many extra-curricular courses are offered on Microsoft software, and getting a certificate can make you stick out from other applicants, plus give you a heads-up to some common problems/trouble-shooting and how to get around them. Experience handling different software will impress future employers and increase your employability, as they won’t incur excess expenses training you because you’ll already have the necessary credentials.
Language Courses
Language courses look extremely attractive on CVs for employers, especially if they’re a worldwide company and deal with clientele from different regions. Suppose you’re considering undertaking a language course. In that case, we recommend choosing Spanish, French, Mandarin, or Russian, as these are some of the most-spoken languages in the world and could benefit you in the employment world (and outside!). Most providers offer weekly and fortnightly language classes after work or university, or they offer self-tuition from your own home, which means that you can work or study alongside learning a new skill. A language course will also help you in the instance that your new employers have a range of multi-lingual staff. You can make them feel more comfortable speaking in their native language and potentially help with translation issues with clients and the staff body.