Five Health and Fitness Myths That Need Busting

Getting into fitness, it can seem you’re thrown information left, right and centre and don’t quite know what to believe. Here are the five health and fitness myths that need busting…

We seem to be living in a society that is now rife with people who want to sell you their best nutrition plans, exercise routine, or “magic supplement”. The issue is, with so many people saying so many different things, who do we believe? Well, the purpose of this post is to squash the health and fitness myths that are so prominent on the internet and social media nowadays, and only leave you with the truth…

“Protein Powder Is Important”

Protein Powder health and fitness myths

Ok, so you’re working out, and everywhere you look you see people bombing protein powder as fast as they can. Why? Well, generally because that’s what they read to do on the internet. The truth is, most protein powder isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Firstly, not all protein powder is bad, and if you struggle to get your daily intake of protein, high-quality protein powder will be amazing. The problem that you will generally face with protein powders is a ton of sugar. Most people who are working out and taking supplements like protein powder have a goal in mind; that goal is to lower the body fat percentage and create a lean muscular look. Unfortunately, using protein powder for this is going to be counterproductive. Protein powder is often filled to the brim with sugars and fats, and for anybody trying to get lean, this is not going to help in the slightest. If you are trying to find a way to increase your protein without the risk, the best way to do so is to make your protein shakes yourself. When it comes to making your own shakes, there are tons of recipes available online, and they will do a great deal for your diet and workout plan. The final thing we should mention when making your own shakes is that you get one real advantage. You get flavor; if there is one thing that everybody knows about protein shakes, it’s that they taste like feet. 

“The Only Way To Get Big Is Lift Heavy”

health and fitness myths

This has to be one of the most popular myths in regards to fitness. Everywhere you look, you will find people telling you that the only way to get big is to lift heavy, well, fortunately, this has proven time and time again to be nothing but complete hokum. The simple truth is you can lift moderate weight on a 6 – 15 reps and achieve exactly the same thing. The beginnings of the myth are most possibly attributed to another myth that you are only building muscle when you are sore when we obviously know this is untrue too. 

“If You Really Want To See Changes, Live In The Gym”

health and fitness myths

Another incredibly popular one in our list of health and fitness myths is that you need to put a ton of work in at the gym; otherwise, you won’t see any difference at all. This myth is frustrating on two levels, the first of which is this; the truth is, if you want to see changes in the gym, get your diet organized. One of the most important things you can ever do when you are training is to pay attention to your diet. No matter what anybody tells you, whether you are trying to lose weight or get lean, 80% of what you need to do is in the kitchen. So that means while the gym is important, try to stick to three or four sessions per week. When it comes to changes in your body, it’s always best to look closely at your diet before you start to concentrate anywhere else. While toning or bulking may be your priority, it always pays off to concentrate on what you are putting into your body before you start lifting any weights.

“Take As Many Supplements As You Can”

health and fitness myths decoded Another incredibly popular one in our list of health and fitness myths, comes down to supplements. Like protein powder, not all supplements are bad, but do your research before you take anything at all. If you insist on supplementing, you should be looking at BCAA’s, creatine, and things like laxogenin. There are many supplements out there that claim to be magic, and they don’t really do a thing. Some of the supplements you can pay an extreme amount of money for often turn out to be nothing more than multivitamins that do pretty much nothing at all for the human body. Whenever you look at supplements, it’s great to look at the active ingredients, if you are unsure what that ingredient does, the best thing to do is to Google it.

If You Stop Training, Your Muscle Will Turn Into Fat

health and fitness myths decoded

We have saved the very best myth until last. Unbelievably, there are still some self-professed fitness experts out there that will look you in the eyes and tell you that if you stop hitting the gym, then your muscles will turn to fat. Let’s just straighten this out a little. When somebody tells you this, it’s equivalent to them telling you that if you don’t use your television, it will turn into a microwave. Fat is broken down into lipids, and muscle is a tissue that’s attached to a bone, they are two completely different things. So, next time somebody tells you this or anything else you may have seen on today’s list, make sure you question them on it. 

We advise that no matter what you are told when it comes to health and fitness myths, you should double-check everything. Fitness is nothing to take lightly, and finding out what’s good information and what’s just rubbish is extremely important.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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