How To Support Your Dog This Fireworks Season

While fireworks are beautiful for us, they can cause a lot of stress for our pets. Here are some top tips on how to support your dog this fireworks season…

Those big sparkly lights in the sky might make for a pretty picture, but in reality, fireworks can be extremely stressful for our pets. The time leading up to bonfire night can be especially hard for our dogs, cats and other furries. Loud bangs and flashes can trigger a noticeable change in your pet’s behaviour, and these frightening events can cause anxiety and uncontrollable nerves. If only we could tell them it’s safe! In fact, 40% of the UK’s dogs are afraid of fireworks, proof that this is a widespread problem. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can prepare for this traumatic time of year and make firework season more manageable for your pet pooch. We’ve teamed up with natural pet wellness brand, Broadreach Nature, to share these top tips on how to support your dog this fireworks season…

How to support your dog this fireworks season

Before fireworks begin – follow these steps to help your dog

  • Walk your dog before it gets dark, this will ensure they’ve had time to stretch their legs and pop to the toilet before the fireworks begin.
  • Ensure all of your doors and windows are shut, this will help to keep the noise down to a minimum. You may also want to close the blinds and curtains to keep out any unsettling flashes of light.
  • It might sound obvious, but if you have a cat flap then it’s best to keep this locked shut during fireworks, as your dog may try to flee if scared.
  • Feed your dog before the fireworks start, this way they’ll be fed and not put off their food due to anxiety. Always ensure fresh water is topped up.
  • Spray your room with a Natural Calming Room Spray, just like this one from Broadreach Nature. This will help to provide a feeling of reassurance and calm.

And how to support your dog during fireworks?

  •  Try and keep your calm, if you’re acting differently due to worries about your dog, they will pick up on this and in turn, it will increase their anxiety.
  • Do not tell your dog off, this will increase their stress. We have to remember that fears of loud noises are in fact very ‘normal’ dog behaviour and should not be punished.
  • Keep the TV/radio on to try and distract your dog from the loud noises.
  • Give off happy vibes! Reassure your pet by treating them and playing with them, try and make them feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Create a safe space for your dog to retreat to when nervous, fill this with their favourite toys and familiar smells, for example, one of their blankets or an item of your clothing such as a jumper.
  • Treat them to a delicious Calming Soft Chew! Not only are they a tasty treat, but they’ll also work to calm your dog too.

Preparation is key to support your dog this fireworks season through this challenging time of the year. If you feel your pup needs a little extra support when it comes to coping with fireworks, then you may want to consider a natural calming supplement as mentioned above.

Dedicated to providing the highest quality pet supplements and food, Broadreach Nature’s highly-rated Calming Support range has been designed for both dogs and cats that suffer with anxiety and nerves due to issues including fireworks, separation and vet trips. Discover the full range of Calming Products at Do you have any ideas for how to support your dog this fireworks season? Let us know in the comments below!

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyer
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on


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