Top Relationship Tips If You Feel You’re Stuck in A Rut

Stuck in a Relationship Rut? How to Find Out New Things about Your Partner and Make Every Day a New Adventure

For many people the idea of meeting your soulmate, falling in love and living happily ever after is something that they have dreamt of their whole life and for many people this is a reality, but what do you do when you are stuck in a relationship rut? This is more common than you think, despite what we see in romance films, yet many people don’t talk about how they are feeling with their partners which is when the problems arise and more often than not the relationship breaks down. We want to help anyone who is feeling like their relationship is stuck in a rut so we have put together some ideas on how to find out new things about your partner to make every day a new adventure and ensure that you do live happily ever after!

keep spark alive in relationship

Communication & Honesty

So it goes without saying really but one of the main ways to keep your relationship alive and to ensure that you don’t fall into that relationship rut is by keeping the communication open between yourselves. Sometimes with peoples busy lives and work it’s easy to take your partner for granted and a lot of the time if we are the one feeling neglected in the relationship we don’t talk about our feelings. This is one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to relationships and one of the main reasons why many fall into a rut, so make sure you always talk to your partner about how you are feeling. They may be feeling exactly the same but just not sure how to approach the subject, and it may allow you to learn new things about them that you didn’t know before.

If there are things that you want to know about your partner or things that you’re unsure of then the best thing is to communicate and just ask them. Always remember to be honest with your feelings and things that you like or don’t like as it will allow you to really get to know your partner and there may be some really fun things that you find out!

Have Fun

A great way to learn new things about your partner is by playing games and quizzes with each other. There are plenty of online quizzes you can play and platforms you can use such as Buzzfeed or even Facebook. There are also plenty of fun and creative games out there which will definitely help you to learn new things about your partner.

Be Creative

Being romantic doesn’t have to be expensive, you could hand-make your partner gifts that show you care. Another way to make sure you don’t fall into a relationship rut is by being creative every day; this could be leaving little notes in your partner’s briefcase or just simply making them their favourite evening meals. You could find out what their favourite meals or desserts are and cook them something special.

Another fun thing to do is to try something new together which is a great way to re-connect and will help to keep things interesting and fun. This could be an activity such as ice skating or visiting a new place you haven’t been before, or even something as simple as going to a new restaurant or trying a new cuisine.


Travel is something that will definitely help your relationship to flourish and it’s important to make time to see new places with each other. If you’re not able to take too much time off work there is always the option to go away on weekends or have mini adventures together. Why not find out if there are any places your partner has always wanted to visit and organise a surprise getaway there. This will not only show that you do listen but they will love it and it will keep your relationship alive.

Make time for date nights

Many of us have busy lives so it’s easy to sometimes forget to make time for your partner. Obviously with lockdown currently upon us it’s a lot harder to plan exciting date nights as we are not able to go places but there are plenty of things you can do at home to make sure you enjoy some romantic evenings together.

Another great thing to do to make sure that you both reconnect with each other is to make sure that when you do spend quality time together that you turn your phones off. Technology is a great thing although it can come between a couple sometimes if one of you enjoys being on your phone a lot more. It can be nice to take a photo to remember your day, but try not to let it take over. If you’re going out for a meal together then make sure you both agree to keep your phones in your bags so you can focus on each other and have a fun evening.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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