How To Better A Relationship With Food

Everyone should have a good relationship with food. However, that’s not a reality that everyone has. Some can struggle with eating food and others may struggle with eating too much of it. A healthy relationship with food is going to lead to a healthier mind. 

Food should be something that’s enjoyed and shouldn’t really be making a person feel any other way except happiness. If there’s guilt or shame, then it’s time to fix that relationship. Here are some tips to better a relationship with food.

Good relationship with food

Don’t feel guilty for overeating

There’s an unhealthy approach to eating certain foods that aren’t necessarily deemed ‘healthy’. As a result, whenever we eat these foods, an often immediate feeling straight after consuming it, is guilt.

Guilty for overeating or eating any certain foods in general, shouldn’t be something that’s felt. It’s often due to someone else commenting on that amount simply being too much for them.

Don’t let others take the enjoyment and satisfaction of enjoying your food, whatever food that might be.

Avoid restricting certain foods

Dieting is something that is typically done when someone wants to lose weight. What comes along with the word dieting, is a flurry of fad schemes that are designed to drop weight quickly or done so that it’s unattainable to maintain beyond a certain period of time.

Restricting certain foods is only going to make you deeply unhappy. The body should get what it wants and when it comes to food, it’s important to have the food that you desire.

Avoid restricting certain foods and instead, welcome all food into the ‘diet’.

Eat in moderation when possible

Moderation is probably the most important part when it comes to the relationship with food because even though you can eat everything, it should be done with moderation in mind.

How much your body should be eating often depends on the sex of the person, as well as their age and existing health. Whether it’s eating sustainable fish online to chomping down on fried chicken, eating too much of either can be unhealthy. 

Experiment in the kitchen with recipes

When it comes to cooking food in your own home, experiment with different recipes. Don’t just stick to what is being done day after day, week after week. Switch it up and benefit from the wonderful catalogue of available recipes online to try and recreate.

Experimenting in the kitchen can be great for reconnecting that love for cooking and for prepping food to eat.

Speak to a professional

To help improve the relationship, it might need more than just a few self-made steps. It might be that a professional needs to be spoken to in order to get to the crux of why that relationship may be so bad, to begin with. Speaking to a healthcare professional or psychiatrist might be something that helps a person struggling.

With a better relationship when it comes to food, it can be a lot easier to enjoy the consumption of it alone and with others.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


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