Tag: fitness

5 super fun exercise classes you won’t believe are real

Why should exercise be boring? Here's the fun, the wonderful and the downright weirdest classes on offer... Morning Gloryville Picture clubbing, but in the morning. Sans...

How to feel gym confident with the right outfit

Working out at the gym never looked so good... Finding the motivation, let alone confidence to get into the gym can be an agonising battle with...

Our thoughts on the TomTom touch

Tomtom Touch - the ideal way to track your fitness The latest fitness tracker to hit the market is the Tomtom touch, a fitness watch...
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7 Fun ways to get active inside

Ice skating Let’s face it, what’s more fun than gliding through the ice as if you are Torvill and Dean and burning around 600 calories...

Say hello to your new ‘It’ coffee – the blue algae latte…

Trend Alert: The Blue Latte A healthy alternative to the classic latte, hipsters and indies alike will lap this up. It's brewed with ginger, coconut milk, lemon...