Simple Changes That Can Transform Your Body Shape That Don’t Involve Weight Loss

Every New Year, people make resolutions to improve their lives. The most popular resolution is to lose weight, but it often gets overlooked within a few weeks. 

While losing weight can be important for some people, for others, the issue is changing the way you look and how you feel about your silhouette. 

As such, you don’t necessarily need to drop any pounds to give yourself the body shape you’ve always dreamed of. Here are some simple changes you can make that will transform your body shape and help you get the look you want. 

tranform body shape
Photo by Jennifer Enujiugha:

Improve Your Posture

The first step is a really easy one that won’t cost a penny but could change your body shape drastically. Standing and sitting tall instantly makes you look slimmer and feel more confident. So, you should try to make a conscious effort to keep your shoulders back and avoid slouching at all times. When you’re sitting at a desk, make sure your computer screen is placed at the right angle to avoid craning your neck. These minor changes could make a massive difference to the way you look and feel, so give them a try. 

Overcome Breast Sagging

For women, sagging breasts can have a serious effect on your body shape, so giving yourself a perkier bust is important. The first step is to find a bra that fits properly and gives you the support you need. If this doesn’t help, then you might need to try a more permanent solution. A breast lift is a simple procedure that can raise the profile of your bust and rejuvenate your chest. It’s particularly good for older women who are experiencing sagging breasts. Leading breast surgeon Andrew Pieri performs breast lift surgery and offers support throughout the process so you can get the chest you want. 

Tone Up 

Weight loss might not help you earn the physique you want, especially if you’re an ideal weight already, but you could try toning up. The best way to start is to build muscle through strength training. Lifting weights and doing bodyweight exercises can help you gain lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolism and gives definition. Focus on major muscle groups like legs, glutes, back, and core to get yourself a more toned physique. 

Choose The Right Clothes

What you wear is just as important as the body underneath in many cases, and the outfit you choose could have a significant effect on your silhouette. Shapewear is a simple and effective way to change your body shape, so check out the best body sculpting underwear on the market currently. Then, consider the clothing that’s going over the top of the shapewear, and find items that flatter your shape. Also, some patterns can be slimming, as opposed to others, so take the time to find the right outfits to complement your shape and enhance it. 

Trying new techniques will help you to find a look that suits you. Over time, you can find ways to enhance your look and get the body shape you crave without dieting. 

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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