6 Reasons It Can Be Worth Spending More On Clothes

Clothes shopping is something we all love, but are we too guilty of cheap, fast fashion? Here are six reasons it can be worth spending more on clothes…

Brand Attic Fashion

If you’re someone who’s ever had to hide just how much they present on a new outfit, you know that any reasoning falls on deaf ears. Some people simply don’t get why anyone would spend so much money on clothes, especially if it’s only a few pieces. But, while these may not let you hear the end of it, you know differently. You know that buying expensive clothes is not (just) about the label, but something deeper, something more important. Unsure what we mean? Here are six reasons it’s always worth spending more on your clothes. 

High Quality Lasts Longer 

There is a financial parable that gets repeated often detailing how expensive it is to lack financial stability. The less money you have, the more you need to spend, because you can’t afford high-quality clothes. This is why you’ll end up spending more on shoes from Primark than from arthurknight.com. After a few months, the soles of the cheap shoes will fall off, making them uncomfortable. conversely, the more expensive options are built to last. 

It Reduces Reliance On Fast Fashion 

Fast fashion came in like a whirlwind and immediately became the go-to choice for many cash-strapped students, teens, and even adults. While it made it easy to pick up new items without breaking the bank, fast fashion comes with its share of issues. Not only is it bad for the environment, but there are some ethical concerns, too. The clothes may be cheap, but the quality is so lacking that they end up in a landfill sooner rather than later. Spending a little more means you get assured quality and don’t need to worry about ethical production, either.

Better Clothes are More Versatile 

You’ve probably stood in front of your wardrobe and felt the sting of panic, worrying that you have nothing to wear. While cheaper clothes are useful at first, they eventually become dull and boring. But, with more expensive items, you’ve got better versatility. This allows you to mix and match with other items to create an entirely new look that still feels comfortable and familiar. You get the chance to wow your friends, family, coworkers, and strangers without buying a whole new outfit. The more clothes you have, the better your options. 

Your Style Will Be More Unique 

Cheap clothes mean that a lot of people will have these clothes. You may remember back when you first discovered fashion at Topshop (or Topman), and how you quickly fell in love with certain clothes. You also probably remember how every other person you passed on a night out was wearing something identical. It’s good to keep up with the trends, but these trends too easily become identikit molds that will make you look back and cringe. So, if you’re looking for inspiration, consider the more expensive options and embrace the unique appeal that you’ve always known you’re capable of. 

The Clothes Will Fit You Better 

If you regularly lament that nothing you buy looks good, it’s probably because cheap clothes are made to suit the average body type. The problem with this is that not everyone has the average body type. Some are wider; some are slimmer, some are top-heavy. Unless you’re an expert with a sewing machine, you need to suffer through ill-fitting clothes. But, if you’re willing to spend a little more, you can find clothes that will suit your body type. With these, you’ll feel more confident and comfortable, which is what you want from a new outfit, no matter who you are. 

No More Impulse Buys 

It may seem like a paradox, but buying more expensive clothes can benefit you financially. If you spend a lot of money on a new pair of jeans, a new shirt, or some new shoes, you’re less likely to pick up little pieces when you next visit the shops. For one, you already have something like these clothes, only better. You also may not be able to justify spending more on clothes after a substantial purchase. Considering how often people regret impulse buys, or at least end up rarely using them, doing everything you can to resist buying clothes just because is sure to benefit your bank account. 

Dressed to Impress 

Spending more money on clothes is not a statement. You are not trying to show off how many zeroes are at the end of your paycheck each month. Instead, it is a dedication to quality. It is an understanding that, although you’re spending a lot now, you won’t need to buy a similar item for years, which translates to better value overall. 

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyerhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on natasha@seeninthecity.co.uk


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