Why 2020 Should be the Year of Your First Cruise

There is no better way to travel than cruising. A vacation choice that once only attracted the retired, it’s now seen as a great way t travel no matter your age. Here’s why 2020 should be the year of your first cruise…

Long gone are the days when cruises attracted only the retired – today, people of all ages flock to travel exotic places by sea. In fact, the cruise holiday has undergone somewhat of a resurgence in popularity – especially among young Brits. Here, we explore the key reasons why 2020 should be the year of your first cruise.
You can also check out our feature on why cruising isn’t just for older people

Minimal packing

Britannia P&O cruise
Example cruise cabin

Ever been on a trip with multiple stops? If so, you’ll likely know how much hassle it can be to have to re-pack your luggage before you head to the next destination. Very often, the more you have to do this, the less time there is to spend on enjoying your current location. Cruise passengers, however, don’t have to worry about this; they need just unpack the once. After having settled into their cabin, they’re able to leave their luggage on the ship while they explore on-land, safe in the knowledge that their belongings are fully protected.

Life-long friendships

Why not try shared dining and you can meet new people easily on a cruise!

Holidays are usually a great opportunity to meet new people and forge friendships. But if you change lodgings between places, it can be all too easy to lose contact, even with the help of social media. After all, you’ll be too busy making the most of your destination.

When you’re travelling on a cruise, however, you don’t have to worry about noting down phone numbers during your trip. The friends you make on the ship will be there throughout your vacation – so, if you can just meet up with whenever you want during your holiday!

After a few weeks of sailing the ocean together, you’ll no doubt have plenty of memories to share with your new buddies when you come to meet up next! They’ll also be lots of entertainment for you to enjoy, speaking of which…

Plenty of entertainment

Why 2020 Should be the Year of Your First Cruise

Think that cruise ship entertainment is limited to cheesy singers and bingo nights? Think again! Cruises offer all kinds of fun for passengers – from cooking courses to dancing classes. And given the increase in young adults investing in cruises, it’s likely that more and more cruise lines will provide entertainment specifically tailored to Millennials and members of Generation Z. In addition to fun activities, there are plenty of cruise lines that offer tailored cruises, in case you should want to follow a particular route. Experts like Jules Verne deliver a range of cruise holidays, so that every traveller’s tastes can be met.

2020 marks the beginning of a new decade – so, why don’t you mark it with a cruise? That way, you can see amazing places at a comfortable pace.

Natasha Colyer
Natasha Colyerhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
My name is Natasha and I am the Editor and Founder of Seen in the City. I have always loved to express myself creatively, most particularly through my writing, and after working for a number of other companies including Vogue and My Chic City I decided to head out on my own and Seen in the City was born. You can contact me on natasha@seeninthecity.co.uk



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