No matter how much you love your job it can be difficult to stay motivated all the time, especially when you’re working from home. After all, at home, your boss can’t see when you’re watching YouTube or doing the washing, rather than working on the report that’s due Friday.
This isn’t a sustainable way to do things, but you can make yourself more productive by changing up your home workspace. Let’s look at some of the top tips to make your home office a better space to work.

Clear up your desk
Look at your desk right now. Are there two separate piles of work papers on your desk that you aren’t using right now? Is there a coffee cup and your snacks out on your desk? Are there 40 cables piled at the back in danger of becoming a tangled mess? It’s hard to focus when you’re surrounded by mess.
There are plenty of ways to clear your desk, but the best way is to increase your storage space. Whether it’s a set of drawers under your desk, a paper organiser to keep the documents organised, or even a few card boxes from your local stationery store, it will help to clear your desk and your mind. Additionally, label your wires using sticky labels, so that you don’t plug in your webcam when you need to print something,
Heighten your senses
By this, we literally mean adjusting your computer equipment to be the right height for you. Your ears and eyes are not the same distance from the desk as your fingertips, so putting your monitor, speakers, and webcam on a platform above your keyboard will be better for your sight, hearing, and posture. You can even put them onto the drawers or boxes mentioned above.
Change up your furniture
This is especially important if you’re working at the dining room table, but can still be true if you’re using the same desk and chair that you bought from IKEA when you went to university. For everyday use, it can be worth investing in a second-hand ergonomic chair or standing desk. You may even be able to get equipment paid for by your company.
Light it up
Low light levels in your home office can make it hard to work. Your main concern should be that repeated eye strain can ruin your eyesight. However, it can also make you feel tired and lower your mood. Try moving your desk underneath the window for natural light or, given the British weather, invest in a good posable lamp.
Invest in a laptop bag
If you have meetings with clients or occasionally commute, invest in a branded laptop case with your company logo, like those from, which will boost brand awareness and protect your laptop.
Show some personality
Just because your office is for work, it doesn’t mean it has to be all work, all the time. Jazz it up by painting the walls a bright colour or putting up a picture of your family. Get a little cactus for the windowsill, put your favourite Funko Pop on a shelf above your desk, or get a nice smelling candle that you can light on darker days.
Hopefully, these tips to improve your home office will make you more productive and happier when working from home.