Get a-head of your cocktail game with these recipes from Crystal Head Vodka…
Vodka is the perfect drink to have neat or mixed with a cocktail, but with the popularity increasing and an overwhelming selection of brands to choose from, it can be a minefield when trying to decide what vodka to use. This is when Crystal head vodka comes in, a vodka which comes in the purest of forms, tastes great and looks awesome – (it’s bottle is designed as a skull!)
Available from many retailers, Crystal Head Vodka pride themselves in being nothing but a pure spirit – no additives or ingredients are added to the vodka, making it the perfect base to use when creating a cocktail.
1 ½ oz. Crystal Head Vodka
½ oz. Amaretto
1 oz. fresh orange juice
2 oz. soda
½ oz. Monin Wildberry Purèe
¼ oz. Monin Exotic Citrus Syrup
fresh rosemary sprigs
How to Mix:
Stir Crystal Head, Monin Wildberry Purèe, Amaretto, orange juice, and Monin Exotic Citrus in shaker until all ingredients have dissolved. Add ice and a sprig of rosemary to shaker. Shake well then strain into a cocktail glass with ice. Top with soda.
Skewer blackberries on to a sprig of rosemary
2. Pear of thieves
1 oz. Crystal Head Vodka
½ oz. St-Germaine Elderflower
¼ oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
1 oz. fresh pear juice
1 oz. fresh grapefruit juice
How to Mix :
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously then pour into a cocktail glass.
Grapefruit wedge
3. Canadian Mule
1 ¼ oz. Crystal Head Aurora
3 oz. ginger beer
1 tsp. simple syrup
fresh lime
mint sprig
How to Mix:
In a copper mug filled with ice, add Crystal Head, simple syrup and a splash of lime juice. Top with ginger beer and stir.
mint sprig and lime slice
4. Bittersweet Endings
2 oz. Crystal Head Vodka
1 oz. Bénédictine
Angostura bitters
How to Mix:
Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice and stir gently. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
Lemon Twist
5. Smokin’ Head Caesar
2 oz. Crystal Head Vodka
5 oz. Clamato (Caesar) or tomato juice (Bloody Mary)
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Dash of hot sauce
Tiny dash of liquid smoke
Garnish of your choice
How to Mix :
Rub the rim of the glass with a lemon wedge and dip into salt, pepper and smoked paprika mix. In a shaker half filled with ice, add all ingredients and shake well. Strain into the pre-rimmed glass filled with ice.
Optional Garnish Ideas:
Celery and lime wheel
Bacon wrapped mini meatball with 2 hot peppers
Scallop and hot pepper skewer
Spicy halved long bean skewer