10 exercise classes in London you need to try

Are you struggling to get to the gym? Are the standard 10 reps 3 sets getting boring? These are the top 10 exercise classes in London you need to try…

Going to the gym and repeating the same workout can dull, motivation drops and the idea of going to the gym becomes a drag. But, why put up with that feeling living in London? London is a huge city with so much on offer when it comes to the fitness scene. Whether you are adrenaline seeker and love the idea of parkour classes or, fancy training in a gym with classes backed by the legend Anthony Joshua. We’ve come up with 10 exercise classes in London you need to try…

Third Space 

The Yard

If variety is what you like with the addition of training in an elite gym then Third Space is your answer. Their facilities are vast and include a number a specialist classes such as ski fitness and rock climbing, as well as swimming, cycling and combat. With a huge offering and some of the best classes in the city, it’s safe to say you will have no excuse for not turning up.

Where: Available at Tower Bridge, Soho, Marylebone, Canary Wharf and City – information here

Transition Zone

Transitional Zone

If you are looking for that spark of motivation and would like to be trained like a professional athlete, then Hiper Zone at Transitional Zone is the place you want to be. Using state of the art technology you are going to be put through a rigorous workout where you are going to be pushed to the limit in either an endurance, speed or power workout. It’s going to be fun, challenging and you’ll definitely feel the benefits on your body…

Where: Available at Parson’s Green, Fulham – information here

BXR London

BXR London Gym

Launched in 2017 BXR London is the worlds first high end boxing themed gym. Backed by the legend Anthony Joshua, you will be training in a gym which offers the highest of quality of training regardless of your ability or fitness levels. The facilities and advice you will receive are what you would expect a professional athlete to train in. Anthony Joshua himself says “BXR is a passion project for me. I want people to train like I train. We have pulled together the best coaches, medical teams and equipment in the business and brought the ring to Chiltern Street. Offering state-of-the-art training facilities for anyone who wants to join.”

Where: Available at Chiltern Street, Marylebone – information here

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Xtend Barre

xtend Barre

Think you can’t dance? We disagree, everyone can dance! Xtend Barre is their signature class which combines dance, ballet and Pilates to create an energetic workout that will have you sweating in no time. Each class will help you on your way to improving flexibility, balance and challenge your core. No prior Pilates experience or dance training required, this class is literally for everybody.

Where: Available at Marylebone Highstreet, Marylebone – information here

Barry’s Bootcamp

Barry's boot camp

When it comes to calory counting, Barry’s is the place to be! – One class will burn 1000 calories – That’s the equivalent of a McDonald’s burger and chips (And we know how unhealthy that is!) Not only that, you are going to tone your muscles, burn fat and increase your metabolism for hours after the session. Session vary keeping it interesting and with instructors that push you the extra mile you will be achieving your fitness goals in no time.

Where: Available at Victoria, Saint Pancras, Shoreditch and Bayswater – information here


Prama exercise class

Prama has taken the world by storm since conquering New York, German, Dubai and now the UK. A new concept to the standard circuit class, instructors are removed, instead, the use of interactive flooring and flashing lights tell you what exercise you will be doing at each station. A computer system is used to set different levels with different patterns and grids on the floor allowing multiple participants at the same time. It is said to burn over 1000 calories in one session, a much more appealing way to exercise instead of the dreaded treadmill.

Where: Available at various gyms throughout London – information here

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One 10, Marylebone

One 10 Paceline

One 10 is a newly opened indoor cycling studio located in Central London (16 Baker street, Marylebone) The new pay as you train boutique houses two different exciting studios where riders can take part in very different but highly addictive classes under one roof. The Classes – Nirvana; an energetic “party ride” which is less focused on competition and more on experience, providing an all-encompassing atmosphere. Or Paceline; an intense performance-based workout whereby power, heart rate, cadence and calories burnt are tracked via the latest digital system. Will both guarantee that you will be shredding those calories and getting into shape in no time.

Where: Available at Baker Street, Marylebone – information here

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Oxygen Freejumping – Fitness Classes


A fitness class at Oxygen Freejumping brings back the fun in a workout. Their classes offer everything a standard gym does, but the excitement of jumping around on 150 connected trampolines (And trust us when we say you will be shattered). Offering minimal impact and always a soft landing, you will be getting a full body work out which will test your endurance, strength and power. If you want to trick yourself into a workout this is definitely an option.

Where: Available at North Acton and Croydon – information here


Frame Class

Since opening their first gym in 2009, Frame studios have been popping up all over London with studios in Shoreditch, Queen’s Park, King’s Cross, Victoria and their newest two: Fitzrovia and Hammersmith. Each studio hosts a variety of classes so whatever your interests there will be something for you, from dance and yoga session to meditation and pilates. Each class is designed to be fun, challenging much extremely rewarding once the session ends.

Where: Available at Shoreditch, Queen’s Park, King’s Cross, Victoria and their newest two: Fitzrovia and Hammersmith – information here

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Parkour Generations 

The Top 10 exercise classes in London you need to try

A new and exciting concept and addition to the fitness scene in London is Parkour Generations dedicated club. For all adrenaline junkies who love to put their bodies to the limits, this is ideal for you. Classes involve strength and conditioning, acrobatic, climbing with the end goal of being able to unleash your inner teen by jumping from pillar to pillar, vaulting wall to wall. This is a fun way to get active in a fun and exciting way.

Where: Available at various locations throughout London– information here

Which of our10 exercise classes in London you need to try is your favourite? Let us know in the comment box below…

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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