Why Are Activity Holidays Becoming More Popular?

Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of holidays that incorporate physical activity such as cycling, hiking, or watersports activities. As a result, online searches for terms such as ”activity holidays” and ”sports holidays” are on the rise, but what is driving this surge in popularity?

Recent research shows that generally, the younger generation is primarily responsible for this upward trajectory. For example, one in three millennials – those aged 16-34 said they would prefer an active holiday, compared to less than one in ten baby boomers – those aged 55 and over who said they would choose an active summer break.

What is it about active holidays that appeal to millennials, though? Let us take a look. 

Activity Holidays

They have realised you can relax and be active at the same time

Historically, summer holidays were spent lounging on the beach or next to the pool with a cool drink and a nice book, enjoying the warmth of the sun all day.

While that has not entirely disappeared because it continues to be a tremendous delight, more and more people are finding it equally as enjoyable to rent a bike and cycle into the mountains, undertake triathlon training or take to the water in a kayak, or go for a long walk or hike in lovely surroundings. Concentrating on a technically skilled activity truly focuses the attention and allows people to detach from their problems and relax entirely. 

They have realised that experiences matter.

An increasing number of people seek impulsive and engaging entertainment that expresses something unique about themselves and share it with their friends and social media followers. An active trip provides plenty of opportunities for this. It is less important where you are and more importantly what you do with your time in today’s world.

They have realised everyone should do what they want on holiday.

Unlike generations before them, Millenials are less likely to let their wants and needs be pushed to the side. This is not because they are selfish but because they understand the importance of self-care. No one should have to compromise on a holiday. It is an opportunity to do what you find exciting and interesting. Active holidays can offer the best of all worlds – doing thrilling activities one day and chilling by the pool the next. 

They know that physical activity is good for both physical and mental health.

Each year, more than 8.5 million people seek out the great outdoors to get their daily dose of exercise, and with a legitimate reason. Outdoor activity leads to a considerably more significant improvement in mental well-being than other types of activity. Outdoor activity, particularly sea sports, can help people feel more connected to nature while breathing cleaner air and getting a big vitamin-D boost. This can result in enhanced mood, self-esteem, and increased energy levels. The greatest place to put this into practice is on a beach trip with plenty of sea activities.

They know how rewarding it is to try a new skill or rediscover an old passion.

It is valuable to people both physically and psychologically to either learn a new skill or reignite a love for an active pursuit that they used to enjoy. Our childhood memories are resurrected, and we are reminded of how much we enjoyed discovering new things.

When people try a new activity, they report feeling thrilled, proud, and more confident. When you go on an active holiday, you step out of your comfort zone and physically create the time and space to experiment with new hobbies, exercise, stimulate the brain, and learn new physical activities away from the usual responsibilities and commitments that come with everyday life at home. 

They want to hit new heights.

A holiday is not and should not be about just disconnecting from one’s daily routine, just as gaining a new skill is not limited to one’s professional life.

Learning new skills in a relaxing environment while on an active vacation allows people to reach new heights and realise long-held dreams.

They recognise the importance of being mindful.

Many people know that physical activity releases’ releases’ feel-good chemicals” known as endorphins, which help relieve stress and create positive emotions. On the other hand, participating in physical activities has additional benefits for one’s mental well-being. The brain is similar to a muscle that needs to be trained to stay in excellent shape. New experiences are a vital requirement to expand mentally, and the brain thrives on stimulus; it grows as a result of usage and perishes as a result of inactivity.

What do you need to think about when choosing an active holiday?

  1. Choose wisely: From person to person, the notion of active will be different. Snowboarding or other adrenaline-inducing sports may be on the agenda for some, while others prefer peaceful hikes and mountain vistas at national parks or other scenic locations. There is no “proper” answer; it is all about finding something you would appreciate. Whatever you decide, establish a list of your activities ahead of time so that you may plan your holiday around them and make the most of the experience.
  2. Set a budget: Without proper planning, the cost of an active holiday can quickly become uncontrollable. Some activities, such as hiking, can be done for free, but others, such as skydiving, will require you to make a booking in advance. When it comes to your chosen sport or activities, whether you are new to them or do not want to travel with a lot of luggage, you will likely need to purchase or rent the proper clothing and equipment before you go. Additionally, do not forget to factor in the cost of optional extras such as lift passes. When creating your initial budget, consider all of these considerations, and then set aside money as needed. It will provide you with peace of mind knowing that there will be no unexpected expenditures.
  3. Make sure you have the correct insurance: It should go without saying that travel insurance is essential for any trip. Keep in mind that not all basic travel insurance policies will cover the activities you intend to participate in. Check the fine print before purchasing to check if any restrictions are in place.
Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falconhttps://seeninthecity.co.uk
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on: Mark@seeninthecity.co.uk


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