
Sports leggings for every budget your workout will thankyou for!

There is nothing better for fitness motivation than wearing sportswear that looks great and you feel comfortable in. Because of this we have put together...

The Pop Up Gym – Book Review

How many times have you looked in the mirror, tugging exasperatedly at those love handles which refuse to disappear, and in a state of...
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Lexie Sport Fitnesswear Designer Interview

Let's face it, when it comes to finding sports clothes that are practical yet fashionable, it's hard to find a brand that ticks both boxes. That's...

A study into the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet (Founded by Loren Cordain) is the decision to eat only completely natural foods... Nothing man made or processed. Lots of people relate...

Sports Luxe Editorial

Who didn’t love the sports luxe/street-style trend this summer? That’s right. None of us... and I for one am not ready to let go of...

The benefits of Zumba and how it can improve your fitness

A perfect combination of both fun and fitness, Zumba classes have quickly become a world-wide phenomenon. With over 15 million people jumping aboard the band...
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