Care and Maintenance of Gold Diamond Necklaces: Ensuring Longevity

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but there’s no denying that gold diamond necklaces are a welcome addition. The fashion scene lately has also been favouring gold pieces, which is why you’ll see a lot of ladies sporting them all over the media. But owning a piece or two is just the beginning; you also need to apply proper care and maintenance to your jewellery to ensure that it lasts for generations to come. Who knows? They could also be heirlooms for your children!

Effective techniques for proper care and maintenance of gold diamond necklaces.

Owning a pair or two of gold diamond necklaces will surely elevate your style; it doesn’t matter if you’re going for a casual look or all dolled-up. The delicate interplay of light and metal adds to its appeal, so you must maintain your gold diamond necklaces’ sparkle with regular cleaning. Harsh chemicals are a no-no since they could damage or scratch the gold. Instead of using abrasive methods, switch it up with these cleaning tips instead:

Polish gently

One of the best ways to clean your jewellery is with a simple but gentle touch. Choose a soft jewellery polishing cloth to buff the surface in a circular motion. Doing so will remove unwanted dirt, minor tarnish, and even fingerprints on your jewellery.

Use warm water

We told you before to ditch the chemicals because it’s much better to use warm water as your cleaning agent. When cleaning your jewellery, make sure you use phosphate-free dish soap along with lukewarm water. What you want to do is submerge the jewellery for around 15-20 minutes in a mix of lukewarm water and phosphate-free soap, but make sure you don’t include any gemstones attached to the piece with glue. After some time, brush off the dirt with a soft-bristle brush before rinsing thoroughly with water. After that, pat your jewellery dry with a lint-free cloth, and you’re done!

Ultrasonic cleaners are lifesavers

There are instances when the dirt and tarnish on the necklace are pretty rough and difficult to clean with just water and soap. In cases like these, you can go to the nearest jeweller and have your gold diamond necklace cleaned with ultrasonic cleaners.

These cleaning tips apply in general to a lot of gold diamond necklaces, but there are some crafted with so much intricacy that they require a jeweller to clean them. If you’re unsure whether or not you can clean your jewellery by yourself, then it’s best to consult with a jeweller first to assess the piece.

How to store your gold diamond necklace to ensure longevity

Aside from cleaning your gold diamond necklace, it’s also important that you store it properly, away from damaging elements, so it continues to sparkle as is. Here are a few tips on how to store them properly:

Invest in a jewellery pouch

Cleaning can only do so much for your valuables; you also need to store them properly, and one of the best items for that is either jewellery pouches or compartmentalized jewellery boxes. Keeping them stored in either of these items ensures that they don’t get tangled up with your other jewellery and prevents scratches.

Separate with care

In line with the aforementioned, you shouldn’t dump all your jewellery in a single pile; separate them so they don’t get tangled up or scratch each other.

Clasp the chain

For your necklaces and bracelets, make sure you clasp the chain to prevent it from getting tangled or kinked.

Store it in a cool, dark place

As much as the sun makes your gold diamond necklace and other pieces of jewellery shine more, make sure you keep them in a cool, dry place that’s away from sunlight. Excessive light and heat can cause great damage to your valuables, so make sure you stow them away from them.

Invest in safety boxes for delicate pieces. Finally, if you own valuables that are crafted in great detail and intricacy, it’s much better to separate them from the others and opt for a safety deposit box instead, just so they have that added layer of protection for their delicate nature.

Following these general tips will help you care for your valuables better, making them last longer and shine brighter. A little TLC goes a long way, so to ensure that your gold diamond necklace and other pieces of jewellery remain your source of pride, make sure you practice these tips diligently.

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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