Harry Potter might have started out as a set of books, but it quickly gained popularity throughout the world. Even today, people still enjoy the books, movies, and games created as part of the series. While there may have been some controversies in recent years, the Harry Potter fandom seems to be alive and well. When you love the magic and the wizarding world as a whole, you may want to consider a number of experiences that even muggles can be a part of!

Visit the studios
One of the first things you might want to do is to see real props and scenery from the magical movies themselves. You may wonder how much are tickets to Harry Potter world, however that can depend entirely on what you choose. Seeing the actual studio itself may be a finite price which, depending on the provider, may also include coach travel. Other walking or bus tours may also be available. At certain times of the year, you may also be able to take part in other activities, such as dinner in the Great Hall. Doing your research, and getting tickets in advance, could help you to make your choice and ensure you have a place.
Read fanfiction
There may be some aspects of the books or movies that, if you had your way, might have been different. Perhaps this is how characters acted, or even who they ended up with. Some people even like to incorporate other themes into stories. Hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter fanfictions exist across the internet which may be of interest to you. These can range from a single chapter of a few hundred words to over half a million words and hundreds of chapters.
Some have even gained so much popularity that other fans create trailers based on these stories. Soon enough, you may find that phrases such as shipping (wanting two characters together) and Dramione (a plot centring around a romance between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger) become normal to you. It is worth pointing out that adult content can be found in some of these works, so you may want to double-check the rating of a story before diving in.
Take part in cosplay
Dressing up isn’t just for children or on Halloween. Many Harry Potter fans enjoy cosplaying as their favourite characters. Some even go as far as designing makeup and clothing looks that are nearly identical to the original, such as this woman’s cosplay of Bellatrix Lestrange, originally portrayed by Helena Bonham-Carter. Plenty of Harry Potter cosplayers may turn to social media, especially Instagram or TikTok, to show off their creations and even roleplay them, as well as using them for film conventions.
Harry Potter fandom is about more than just books and movies. It can involve people coming together to share their love for the series alongside one another. This can be achieved through visits, crafts, and even taking the stories further than before.