Tips To Make Your Home More Secure When You’re Travelling

While we can’t travel at the moment, we will one day in the future and it’s best to be prepared. Here are our top tips to make your home more secure when you’re travelling…

Unfortunately, travel isn’t possible for any of us at the moment. The current pandemic means many countries have closed their borders, and for our own health and safety we’re all choosing to stay at home under the advice of experts. As hard as it is, one thing’s for sure- this won’t last forever. No one knows quite when it will be safe to travel again, but at some point in the future we’ll get our freedom back and the ability to enjoy destinations across the world once more. For now, while most of us are spending more time at home than usual, it’s a good time to consider home security. If you’re someone that usually likes to travel a lot, then it makes sense to think about how well your home is protected when you’re away from it. Here are some ideas to make your home more secure when you’re travelling…

Travel Guide to Porto Portugal

Install a burglar alarm

This is one of the best ways to protect your home, if someone breaks in then they simply won’t stick around once it starts going off. If you have one professionally installed it can even bring down the cost of your home insurance. It’s great for peace of mind, and you even have the option to spend more for a monitored service. This means if it goes off, the company is alerted who will then call the police if they’re unable to get through to you. 

Invest in CCTV

CCTV means you can keep eyes on your home even when you’re not there and is a great way to make your home more secure when you’re travelling. There are lots of internal and external cameras you can buy these days and they’re not particularly expensive. They link up to your smartphone and will send you an alert when any kind of motion is detected. 

Utilise smart lighting

One of the best ways to prevent your house getting broken into when you’re away is to make it look occupied. And one way to do this is to use smart lighting, you can set lights to come on using the timer feature on your phone or by manually turning them on and off. You can get smart bulbs in all kinds of varieties these days, a gu10 smart light bulb for example would fit in most kitchen light fittings and standard screw and bayonet bulbs fit most kinds of lamps and lights. With lights turning on and off in your home, it can be impossible for a burglar to tell that you’re out. 

Have a neighbour keep an eye out

A last way to make your home more secure when you’re travelling is by having another set of eyes to keep watch on your home is invaluable. If you have a trusted neighbour, let them know to keep an eye out while you’re gone and contact you or the police about any suspicious behaviour. Crooks can disguise themselves as workmen and other kinds of professionals to throw people off the scent, if your neighbour knows you’re not expecting anyone like this they can raise the alarm. 

What do you think of our top tips to make your home more secure when you’re travelling? Let us know!

Sam Jones
Sam Jones
My name's Sam and I'm a writer for Seen in the City. I am a digital nomad that travels the world and enjoy writing while on my travels. Some of my favourite past times are go-karting, visiting breweries and scuba diving!


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