Top furniture tips for your office

The office is an important room. For any typical worker, most of time spent at the workplace will be spent sitting in a chair behind a personal desk. When it comes to selecting office furniture, comfort is key since your employees will be spending a substantial amount of their time at the office. However, the general office fit out could also play a part in determining what type of furniture your company needs.  

Office furniture tips

Every office manager has the responsibility of choosing the best office furniture for their employees to ensure comfort and maximum productivity. For this reason, careful selection is crucial when it comes to choosing the perfect furnishings. Below are some tips to consider when choosing your office furniture across the UK. 

Determine your needs 

Before you even consider outsourcing the supply of furniture to your office, start by defining the functions and how your office space will be used. Based on the layout of your office design, determine the kind of furniture and other accessories that you will need to accommodate your office functions. Ask yourself whether you will be using computers with wide monitors or will you be working on slim laptops and tablets that tend to occupy less desk space? 

If your office needs plenty of storage, then you should consider acquiring filing cabinets. If you are expecting visitors who will be spending some time waiting, then considerations such as seating and side tables become crucial. Once you have determined all of your basic office needs, you can move on and initiate the procurement process. 

Select furniture designed to work for you 

You will have many choices when it comes to selecting your office furniture, but the key thing is going for the type of furniture that will suit your already identified needs. Pay more attention to the design of the office desk. The purpose of quality office furniture is to integrate technology and promote the efficiency of your workers. Apart from the computer and the printer, think about the other office electronics such as video camera, cell phone, and even the music player. 

A good office desk should include a section where you can keep the slight things out of view. Make sure that you choose an office desk with appropriate support or a standing desk that will allow you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. 

Comfort is key 

Consider the many hours that the office workers will spend sitting in that office chair before you purchase it. While shopping, go for the comfortable office chair that will allow your employees to shift positions and relax if need be. Test the chairs with the desks to ensure that they are of the right height in relation to the height of the desk. 

Office furniture tips

Go for ergonomic designs that will guarantee comfortability. The good news is that most of the office designers understand how many hours employees spend in an office, so finding suitable furniture that meets all the standards won’t be a big task when it comes to an office refurbishment. 

 Prioritise quality over cost 

This doesn’t mean that you go for the expensive office furniture that will leave your business hurting financially. Neither does it mean that you should go for the cheap and uncomfortable office furniture. Keep in mind that cheap furniture will become damaged or break easily causing you to replace it within few years. You should source for quality furniture that is affordable. Quality furniture lasts much longer and will eventually offset the initial cost. 

Determine the office layout and location 

It is crucial that you understand the office design and the actual dimensions of the office space that you want to furnish so that you choose the right furniture which fits perfectly in the available space. You should know the location of the electric outlets within the office and the dimensions that surround the windows. Knowing such information plays a crucial role in determining the type of office desks and chairs that you choose and where you will place them in the office. 

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This post was sponsored in association with Saracen Interiors.

Mark Lee-Falcon
Mark Lee-Falcon
Hi! My name is Mark Lee-Falcon and I am a partner and deputy editor for Seen in the City. Fitness is one of my main passions and I love discovering new workouts. I also love exploring the city and finding the coolest new places to eat and drink. You can contact me on:


  1. Thanks for sharing the top furniture tips for office. Keeping the storage space is the most crucial part while decorating office places. It could save lots of spaces in working area. Many company struggled with it couldn’t understand how they will design their storage space.

  2. Wonderful tips, Mark. I will definitely use them for my office renovation going on. I really liked the carpet mentioned in the last image. Can you suggest any links to purchase such? Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks in Advance.

  3. Nice tips… I think adjusting an office space is a major task… While setting up an ideal office, you need to have a realistic anticipation of internal movements and how your furniture can cause minimum disruptions withing the workspace.

  4. More important is comfortable furniture for your workers because when workers got comfy, relaxed and good furniture and environment then they will concentrate on their work and easy to finish…

    Thanks for these great Office furniture ideas

  5. Many chairs also offer head support and extra padding on the armrests, too.

    Of course, we’re all drawn to the style of the chair, and you’ll probably already know what material you’re after. Leather and fabric tend to be the most comfortable, so we haven’t featured any wood or industrial-looking metal options below – if you do want to go for one of these however, we’d suggest you look into buying a separate lumbar support to wear whilst sitting, and make sure the chair is the right height for you, as many of these options won’t be adjustable.

    We’ve done much of the hard work for you by finding six of the best desk chairs to grace your office with – we know, we’re too good to you!

  6. I like how you mentioned that a good office desk should include a section where you can keep the slight things out of view. My boss told me that after a few years of hard work, he is now able to replace the furniture of the office for a new one. It would be nice to look for a professional company to help us choose the right furniture.


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